A 47 Year Old, Mr Muneer Khan is sole bread winner of the family. He works for fixing POP roofs at New Construction buildings. His wife is a home maker and suffering from the depression and anxiety who is on the medication from past few months. Mr khan has three daughters who are studying 2nd PUC, SSLC and Class 8th grade in three different college.
The approximate fund will be around 6 Lakhs. Now the family and and neighbors have already paid around 2 Lakhs. Need another 4 Lakhs to continue his treatment.
When Mr was presented at Baptist hospital with acute onset right sided weakness, headache and low censorious. His GCS was 10/15 and had right sided dense hemiplegia on examination. CT Brain showed an acute infarct in the LEFT MCA territory. He was admitted to the ICU and started on anti-edema measures. However his GCS progressively worsened and MRI Brain showed impending brain stream herniation. For this reason he was taken up for a compressive craneictomy on 04/08/2020. following the surgery his GCS has been improving. He was extenuated on 07/08/2020. Mr Muneer Khan will require approximately 10-15 days stay in the ward. The approximate fund will be around 6 Lakhs. Now the family and friends and neighbors have already paid around 2 Lakhs. need another 4 Lakhs to continue his treatment.
To make donation please contact:
Account name: The Lifeline Foundation Trust-charity
Account No: 9180 100 003 62394
Axis bank, Basavanagudi Branch
IFS Code : UTIB0001496