Lifeline continued its hallmark “Lifeline for the destitute” program to identify and support the most deprived families (widows, elderly people with disabilities, extreme poverty etc) and move forward to financial stability. The team identifies such needy families and engages them to ascertain an appropriate income-generating trade that they can take up & help them create income which will, in turn, help these families to sustain themselves and set out a life of dignity.
In Q1 Lifeline was able to support & set up a livelihood for 36 destitute families. A total amount of ₹4 Lakhs has been spent on these cases. While 2 events were organized within Bangalore on l0-Apr-2022 and 29-May-2022, Lifeline wanted to spread the benefit of the program to nearby towns. So 11 families were enabled on l5-May-2022 in a small town named Manchanahalli on the outskirts of Bangalore.